Dental Forensics Due to Dental Error

Irineu Gregnanin Pedron*

Dental surgeon. Specialist in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry. Master in Dental Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo. Undergraduate Law Student, Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Technical assistant in expertise, Brazil.

*Corresponding Author: Irineu Gregnanin Pedron, Dental surgeon, Specialist in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry, Master in Dental Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo. Undergraduate Law Student, Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Technical assistant in expertise, Brazil.


Received: March 22, 2024     Published: April 08, 2024


Forensic Dentistry is one of the forensic sciences and is considered part of Forensic Medicine. It is a specialized service that can assist the Judiciary in dental matters, with the purpose of elucidating legal facts (civil, criminal, administrative, labour, etc.)1-4. The work of the dental expert is widely publicized, thanks to the fame it has gained in the media or in the cinema, in solving post-mortem criminal cases1-3. The main form of research in these cases is through the dental arch, which, like DNA and fingerprints, is unique to each human being. For these cases, professionals depend on the legislation in force in each country, determining the definitions of each crime1-3.

Citation: Pedron IG. Dental Forensics Due to Dental Error. SVOA Dentistry 2024, 5:2, 62-64.