Author Guidelines

Thank you for considering submitting an article. To ensure a smooth and efficient submission process, please review the following guidelines:

Original and Unique Content: Submit original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and your article should not infringe upon any copyrights. If you have referenced other sources, ensure that you properly cite and give credit to the original authors.

Clear and Concise Writing: Maintain a clear and concise writing style throughout your article. Use short paragraphs, headings, and subheadings to improve readability. Avoid jargon or technical terms unless necessary and explain them when used. Proofread your article thoroughly for grammatical and spelling errors.

Visuals and Multimedia: If relevant, consider including visuals such as images, graphs, or infographics to enhance the presentation and engagement of your article. Ensure that you have the necessary rights or permissions for any visuals used or use royalty-free images from reliable sources.

Reference Style: References must be AMA style numbered in order of appearance in the text (including citations in tables and legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. In the text, reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ].


Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. Title of the article. Journal Name Year, Volume, page range. DOI

Submission Process: Please make sure to submit your article and cover letter as a word document in editable form via email or filling out our online submission form. Ensure that you include all the required information and attachments as specified. The online submission form and email can be found on the respective journal website. As soon as the submission is completed, an acknowledgement will be sent to the corresponding email address within 24-48 hrs.


Author guidelines for research, review, case report, case series, opinion, mini-review, short communication, letter to the editor and editorial articles are as follows:


Guidelines for Research Articles:

Title: Should accurately reflect the content of the research.

Abstract and Keywords: A concise summary of the study's objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. (250-350 words), Keywords (3-5)

Introduction: Provides background information, research objectives, and a rationale for the study.

Methods: Detailed description of the study design, materials, data collection, and analysis procedures.

Results: Presentation of the findings, often accompanied by tables, figures, and statistical analyses.

Discussion: Interpretation of the results, comparison with previous research, and implications of the findings.

Conclusion: A brief summary of the main outcomes and their significance.

Acknowledgements: Report the funding source or any other acknowledgements here.

Conflict of Interest: Authors must declare any personal circumstances or interest of the reported study. If there is no conflict of interest, mention as "The authors declare no conflict of interest."

Author Contributions: If any

References: Citations of relevant literature used in the study. (No Limit)


Guidelines for Review Articles:

Title: Should clearly indicate that it is a review article.

Abstract: A concise summary of the main topics covered in the review. (250-350 words),
Keywords (3-5).

Introduction: Provides an overview of the field and the importance of the topics covered.

Body: Comprehensive coverage of the subject matter, often divided into sections or subsections.

Conclusion: Summary of the key findings, unresolved issues, and potential future directions.

References: Citations of the literature reviewed. (No Limit)


Guidelines for Case Report:

Title: Should succinctly describe the case presented.

Abstract and Keywords: A brief summary of the case, including its uniqueness or clinical relevance. (250-350 words), Keywords (3-5)

Introduction: Provides background information on the condition or disease and its significance.

Case Presentation: Detailed description of the patient's history, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment.

Discussion: Analysis and interpretation of the case, often including a literature review.

Conclusion: Summary of the case's key features and any lessons learned.

References: Citations of relevant literature. (10 max)


Guidelines for Case Series:

Title: Should succinctly describe the case presented.

Abstract and Keywords: Structured with Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions; (250-350 words), Keywords (3-5).

Introduction: Provide a clear and concise background explaining the relevance and context of the case series. State the objective or research question of the study.

Methods: Describe the methods used to collect and analyze data. Include information about the study design, participant selection criteria, data collection procedures, and any statistical methods employed. Ensure that the methods are sufficiently detailed to allow for replication by other researchers.

Case Presentation: Present each case in a systematic and organized manner. Include relevant demographic information, clinical history, diagnostic procedures, treatment interventions, and outcomes. Use appropriate tables, graphs, or images to illustrate key findings.

Results: Summarize the main findings of the case series. Provide relevant descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, proportions, or means, as applicable. Highlight any patterns, trends, or significant observations.

Discussion: Interpret and discuss the results in the context of existing literature. Compare and contrast your findings with previous studies or established guidelines. Discuss potential limitations of the study and suggest areas for further research.

Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and their implications. State the limitations of the study and provide recommendations for future research or clinical practice.

References: Citations of relevant literature. (10 max)


Guidelines for Opinion Articles:

Title: Should clearly indicate that it is a opinion article.

Introduction: Clearly state your opinion or viewpoint on a particular issue or topic. Provide a brief background or context to help readers understand the context of your opinion.

Argument Development: Present a clear and logical argument to support your opinion. Use evidence, examples, and references to strengthen your argument. Anticipate counterarguments and address them appropriately. Clarity and Structure: Organize your article in a logical and coherent manner. Use headings and subheadings to guide readers through different sections of your opinion piece. Ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and accessible to a wide audience. Tone and Style: Use a persuasive and engaging tone to captivate readers. Incorporate rhetorical devices, anecdotes, or personal experiences, if appropriate, to make your argument more compelling.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate your opinion. End with a thought-provoking statement or call to action to inspire readers to consider your perspective.

References: Citations of relevant literature. (10 max)


Guidelines for Mini-review Articles:

Mini-reviews are typically shorter than standard review articles and focus on a specific aspect or subfield. The structure may be similar to that of a review article, including an introduction, body, conclusion, and references.


Guidelines for Short Communication Articles:

Title: Should accurately represent the content of the article.

Abstract: A concise summary of the study's objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. (250-350 words), Keywords (3-5).

Introduction: Provides background information and states the purpose of the study.

Methods: Briefly describes the study design and methodology.

Results: Presentation of the key findings.

Discussion: Interpretation and significance of the results.

Conclusion: A brief summary of the main outcomes and their implications.

References: Citations of relevant literature. (10 Max)


Guidelines for Letter to the Editor Articles:

Conciseness: Keep your letter brief and to the point. Focus on a specific topic or issue of interest and avoid going off-topic. Letters to the editor are usually shorter than other types of articles. Clarity: Clearly state your opinion or concern in a concise and understandable manner. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms. Make sure your main message is easily comprehensible to a wide audience. Supporting Evidence: If applicable, provide supporting evidence, such as facts, statistics, or references (1 Max).


Guidelines for Editorial Articles:

Introduction: Introduce the topic or issue that the editorial aims to address. Provide background information and explain why the topic is important and relevant.

Abstract: Not required. Main Argument: Present a clear and concise argument or viewpoint on the topic. Support your argument with evidence, examples, and logical reasoning. Address potential counterarguments and refute them effectively. Contextualization: Situate your argument within the broader social, political, or cultural context. Explain how the topic relates to current events, existing policies, or public opinion. Consider the implications and consequences of the issue at hand. Persuasiveness: Use persuasive language and rhetoric techniques to convince readers of your viewpoint. Appeal to their emotions, values, and interests. Incorporate storytelling, vivid descriptions, or compelling statistics to strengthen your argument.

Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate your argument. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on readers.

References: (2 Max).

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