Different uses of Myofuntional Orthodontics in Permanent Dentition

The true success of an orthodontic treatment is achieved when long term stability is achieved after the appliance is removed. Stability is the ability to remain unchanged over time, the occlusion of the teeth being the most important factor in determining said stability. In the constant search to achieve the same, I have worked with Myofunctional Orthodontics, either alone or in combination with fixed appliances in patients with permanent dentition who present deficiencies in the lingual or respiratory position, managing to treat the underlying problem that has caused the malocclusion proposing comprehensive treatments, where the patient is evaluated from the perspective of a whole. Allowing them, in this way, to achieve a better quality of life by restoring not only aesthetics, and better occlusion, but also functions, for example, restoring nasal function, a consequence of the correct position of the tongue in the upper arch, which that allows a result that can be prolonged in time and obtain greater long-term stability

Keywords: Myofuntional Orthodontic, Stability, Mouth Breathing, Permanent Dentition, Orthodontic whitout braces.

Citation: Lomanto Maria Laura. “Different uses of Myofuntional Orthodontics in Permanent Dentition”. SVOA Dentistry 2:1(2021) pages 56-59.