Wandering Spleen and Its Laparoscopic Management: A Comprehensive Case Report and Review

Mayra Ríos MD1, Lucila Pulice MD1, Ines Lariguet MD1, Matías Berger MD1*, Jimena Esnaola MD1 and Miriam Marchisella MD1

1 Hospital Posadas, El Palomar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

*Corresponding Author: Matías Berger MD, Hospital Posadas, El Palomar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58624/SVOAPD.2024.03.074

Received: June 27, 2024     Published: July 22, 2024



Wandering spleen (WS), a rare clinical entity characterized by the absence or laxity of the spleen's normal suspensory ligaments, can lead to splenic torsion and subsequent acute abdominal presentation. This case report describes the successful laparoscopic management of a 12-year-old female patient who presented with acute abdomen secondary to a wandering spleen with torsion. A comprehensive review of the literature highlights the diagnostic challenges, therapeutic options, and the importance of timely intervention in managing this rare condition.

Keywords: Wandering spleen (WS); Laparoscopic Management; Splenopexy

Citation: Ríos M, Pulice L, Lariguet I, Berger M, Esnaola J, Marchisella M. Wandering Spleen and Its Laparoscopic Management: A Comprehensive Case Report and Review. SVOA Paediatrics 2024, 3:4, 106-109. doi:10.58624/SVOAPD.2024.03.074