Therapeutic Attitude to the Seizures of an Epileptic Suffering of Malaria

Mulakwa Morisho, MD*

Pediatrics Department of Nyamibungu general hospital / kitutu / South-Kivu/R.D.Congo

*Corresponding Author: Mulakwa Morisho, Pediatrics Department of Nyamibungu general hospital / kitutu / South-Kivu/R.D.Congo.

Received: May 09, 2022     Published: June 30, 2022



Epilepsy is a neurological illness touching more children. Epileptic children are particular patient, because malaria puts problems and unbalance as well as in pick-up charge. We report, the case of 8 years hold child that present, demonstrations of epileptic crises and suffering malaria. The patient treated initially by anti-convulsivant and anti-malaria as arthemeter; after 5 days of treatment, there was persisted crises and fever, quinine initiate and there was amendment. In our observation, we demonstrate and let's reveal the relation between malaria and epilepsy, in the sense of the unbalance of epileptic patient.

Keywords: epilepsy, malaria, crises, unbalances.

Citation: Morisho M. “Therapeutic Attitude to the Seizures of an Epileptic Suffering of Malaria”. SVOA Paediatrics 2022, 1:3, 86-89.