Pulmonary Branch Stent Angioplasty in the Post-Surgery of Pulmonary Atresia with VSD

A. Chozas1*, A. Gutierrez2, M. López Daneri2, D. Cerruti2, G. Colobraro2, C. Kreutzer3, B. Chiostri3, D. Klinger3, T. Iolster4, A. Lugrin4 and M. Rivarola1

1 Pediatric Hemodynamic, Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina.

2 Pediatric Cardiology Department, Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina.

3 Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery, Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina.

4 Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina.

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Chozas Agustin, Pediatric Hemodynamics, Hospital Universitario Austral, Argentina.


Received: July 20, 2024     Published: September 24, 2024



Introduction: Patients with congenital heart diseases that affect the outflow tract of the right ventricle usually develop lesions at both the pulmonary valve and the pulmonary branches. We present a case in which critical stenosis of the right pulmonary branch was treated with a low- profile peripheral stent 7 days after reconstructive surgery.

Method: Retrospective review of the clinical case, pre-surgical condition, surgical technique, complication and resolution during the hospital stay.

Result: Effective angioplasty of the right pulmonary branch with a low-profile balloon-expandable stent. Subsequent favorable clinical evolution.

Conclusion: Post-surgical injuries must be addressed early both for diagnosis and treatment, in order to obtain better clinical results. For this, the correct functioning of the multidisciplinary team work is necessary.

Keywords: Pulmonary Atresia; Angioplasty; Congenital heart disease

Citation: Chozas A, Gutierrez A, Lo pez Daneri M, Cerruti D, Colobraro G, Kreutzer C, Chiostri B, Klinger D, Iolster T, Lugrin A, Rivarola M. Pulmonary Branch Stent Angioplasty in the Post-Surgery of Pulmonary Atresia with VSD. SVOA Paediatrics 2024, 3:4, 141-146. doi:10.58624/SVOAPD.2024.03.080