Non-Palliative Treatment and Follow-Up of Children with Genetic Forms of Nephrotic Syndrome: A Narrative Mini-Review

Marcelo de Sousa Tavares1,3*, Ana Carolina Resende Caldeira2 and Maria Clara Moreira de Oliveira2

1 Professor, Child and Adolescent Health, Faculdade de Minas Gerais (FAMINAS), Brazil.

2 Undergraduate Student, Faculdade de Minas (FAMINAS), Brazil.

3 Pediatric Nephrology Unit, Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

*Corresponding Author: Marcelo de Sousa Tavares, Professor, Child and Adolescent Health, Faculdade de Minas Gerais (FAMINAS), Brazil.


Received: July 12, 2023     Published: July 28, 2023



Nephrotic syndrome is the major clinic presentation of glomerulopathies in childhood. Steroid-unresponsiveness is the main indication for kidney biopsy and is closely related to genetic causes. However, the identification of more than 60 genes in the last 2 decades led to the need of new approaches to delay progression to chronic kidney disease and the need for kidney replacement therapy. The current review aimed to identify non-palliative therapeutical approaches to genetic forms of nephrotic syndrome in children and their follow-up. Genetic mutations play a significant role in the pathogenesis of nephrotic syndrome, influencing the choice of treatment strategies and individual patient outcomes. Calcineurin-inhibitors, coenzyme Q-10 supplementation and other drugs may reduce proteinuria and decrease the progressive decline of glomerular filtration rate.

Keywords: Steroid, Resistant nephrotic syndrome, Children, Genetic heterogeneity, Treatment

Citation: Tavares MS, Caldeira ACR, Oliveira MCM. Non-Palliative Treatment and Follow-Up of Children with Genetic Forms of Nephrotic Syndrome: A Narrative Mini-Review. SVOA Paediatrics 2023, 2:4, 98-101.