Proximal Femoral Replacement for Metastatic Bone Disease - A Case Series

Karim I Siddiqui2, Javeria Junaid1*, Muzaffar H. Buriro3, Maira Assad4 and Imtiaz A. Hashmi5

1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.

2 Resident Surgeon, Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.

3 Spine Fellow, Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.

4 Intern, Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.

5 Consultant Orthopedic and spinal surgeon, Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.

*Corresponding Author: Dr. Javeria Junaid, Resident Surgeon, Ziauddin University Hospital Karachi, Pakistan.


Received: March 30, 2023     Published: April 30, 2023



Background: The proximal femur is a common area for development of skeletal metastasis that further disrupts an ill patient’s quality of life. Resulting complications include pathological fractures leading to compromised functionality. Proximal femoral replacement allows to attain the requirements of surgery in metastatic bone such as stable fixation of the entire bone, allowing immediate weight bearing and the earliest possible return to function. Preventative treatment for metastatic lesions using an endoprosthesis before a fracture occurs, can modify the patient’s quality of life, reduce pain and may decrease mortality associated with the lesion. Our aim is to present case based evidence to show that proximal femoral replacement provides a better option for limb salvage surgery after metastatic bone disease.

Methods: Study design: Case Series

Setting: Department of Orthopedic & Spine Surgery, Dr Ziauddin Hospital, Clifton, Karachi.

Duration: December 2021 – December 2022

Inclusion criteria: Patients that had skeletal metastasis in the proximal femur and were managed with endoprosthesis were included.

Exclusion criteria: Patients that had concurrent infection in the body and patients that were ASA IV and deemed high risk were excluded.

Data collection: Through impatient and surgical records. Direct patient interaction and via an SF-36 health questionnaire.

Results: we evaluated the patient’s outcome and progress after proximal femoral endoprosthesis replacement using the SF-36 health questionnaire. Showing PFR is a valid option for proximal femoral metastasis.

Conclusion: PFR is a good option for preservation of limb function in cases of metastasis and thereby improves the patient’s quality of life as resecting the diseased bone has an added benefit of reducing tumor burden.

Keywords: Proximal Femoral Replacement; Metastatic Bone Disease; endoprosthetic reconstruction

Citation: Siddiqui K, Junaid J, Buriro H M, Assad M, Hashmi I. Proximal Femoral Replacement for Metastatic Bone Disease - A Case Series. SVOA Orthopaedics 2023, 3:2, 42-45.