Hip Preservation in Sequelae of Septic Arthritis in the Newborn, Case Report

Mauricio Vergara1*, José Pablo Riquelme2, Alejandra Rivadeneira3 and María Catalina Gaggero3

1 Head of Trauma and Orthopedics Pediatric Surgery Department, Hospital Dr. Exequiel Gonzales Cortés, University Santiago de Chile, Clinica Universidad de Los Andes, Chile.

2 Head of Research Department of Trauma and Pediatric Orthopedics Surgery Department, Hospital Dr. Exequiel Gonzales Cortés, University Santiago de Chile, Chile.

3 Resident of Trauma and Pediatric Orthopedics Surgery, Hospital Dr. Exequiel Gonzales Cortés, University Santiago de Chile, Chile.

*Corresponding Author: Mauricio Vergara, Head of the Trauma and Orthopedics Pediatric Surgery Department, Hospital Dr. Exequiel Gonzales Cortés, University Santiago de Chile, Clinica Universidad de Los Andes, Chile.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58624/SVOAOR.2024.04.071

Received: May 11, 2024     Published: June 12, 2024



Septic arthritis of the hip in newborn may cause severe sequelae that has a negative impact on daily living activities. We present a patient with septic arthritis of the right hip in the newborn period (NB) classified as type IV-A according to Choi, in order to increase coverage to prevent progression of subluxation and improve joint containment and stability, a Dega-type acetabuloplasty was performed at the age of 5 years old. The patient lost follow-up for five years, she consulted again and after clinical and radiological evaluation a pelvic support osteotomy was planned and performed at the age of 15 for hip preservation. We share the postoperative outcomes observed in a rare case with complications, following hip preservation surgery, with the long-term follow-up until 22 years old. This case shows that maintaining a stable hip between the femoral epiphysis and the acetabulum, allows to reduce complications, like lower limb length discrepancy (LLD) and worsening of the activity of daily living (ADL) and postponing, or preventing hip replacement at younger ages.

Keywords: Septic; Arthritis; Infection; Dega, Hip; Preservation.

Citation: Vergara M, Riquelme JP, Rivadeneira A, Gaggero MC. Hip Preservation in Sequelae of Septic Arthritis in the Newborn, Case Report. SVOA Orthopaedics 2024, 4:3, 55-60. https://doi.org/10.58624/SVOAOR.2024.04.071