Cerebral LOE in Young HIV-Negative Patient - Case Report

Turco Claudio1*, Pedrosa Gonzalo1, Rodrigo Tatiana1, Albareti Andrés1, Altamirano Belia1, Ceballos Guillermo1

1Transito Caceres de Allende Hospital, Cordoba Capital, Argentina.

*Corresponding Author: Turco Claudio, Transito Caceres de Allende Hospital, Co rdoba Capital, Argentina.


Received: October 27, 2024

Published: January 30, 2025

Citation: Claudio T, Gonzalo P, Tatiana R, Andre s A, Belia A, Guillermo C. Cerebral LOE in Young HIV-Negative Patient - Case Report. SVOA Neurology 2025, 6:1, 08-12. doi. 10.58624/SVOANE.2025.06.003



Objective: To describe the case of a young woman with previously diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis, under chronic corticosteroid therapy, that presents with focal seizures refractory to medical treatment associated to cerebral expansive lesion.

Description: Female 21 years old patient with previously diagnosed pulmonary TB, who received full treatment protocol, presents with focal seizures. Patient had been studied before in a different hospital, where a head CT and CE MRI were indicated, revealing the presence of a cortico-subcortical lesion in the right Rolandic fissure, compatible with cerebral tuberculoma. Such lesion is still present after performing new diagnostic imaging.

Intervention: A programmed surgery took place for tuberculoma resection, in which the lesion was successfully enucleated. Post op was uneventful and symptoms remitted.

Conclusion: Total surgical excision of cerebral tuberculoma was key in diagnosis and prognosis of the disease.

Keywords: Cerebral tuberculoma, Neurotuberculosis, Resection of tuberculoma 6