Anutthaman Hari Parthasarathy is a Post-Doctoral Associate and Adjunct Faculty in Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. He finished his PhD - Biology (Microbial biochemistry) in Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology /Philipps University & Member of the International Max Planck Research School for Environmental, Cellular and Molecular Microbiology, Marburg, Germany (2005-2009). He published many research papers in International journal with high impact factor. He currently researches the plastic-microbe interface and is involved in the hunt for new antimicrobials at RIT.


His research interest are Antimicrobials, Enzymology and discovery of biochemical pathways, Anaerobic metabolism, Biotechnology, Bio-remediation of plastics and organohalogens, Intersection of microbiology with microfluidics, Frugal science, Green technology.