Peritonitis Due to Haemophilus Influenzae in Peritoneal Dialysis: Report of An Exceptional Case

William Montenegro Gutiérrez MD1, Lina Alejandra Beltrán Mogollón MD2, Sharom Barbosa Velázquez MD3, Laura Carolina Neira R MD3, Carlos Armando Nuñez Leal MD4, Miguel Alejandro Suárez Amaya MD1 and Julio César Moreno-Alfonso MD5,6*

1 Fundación Universitaria Juan N Corpas, Bogotá, Colombia.

2 Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Bogotá, Colombia.

3 Universidad Santiago de Cali, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

4 Universidad de Pamplona, Norte de Santander, Colombia.

5 Hospital Universitario de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, España.

6 Doctoral School, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), Pamplona, Navarra, España.

*Corresponding Author: Julio César Moreno-Alfonso, MD, Hospital Universitario de Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, España and Doctoral School, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), Pamplona, Navarra, España.


Received: October 12, 2023     Published: November 06, 2023



Case Description: 33-year-old woman with a history of end-stage renal disease on peritoneal dialysis, who came to the emergency department for abdominal pain of sudden onset associated with a change in the color of the peritoneal fluid.

Clinical Findings: The patient had signs of systemic inflammatory response and generalized abdominal pain, with marked leukocyte response in peritoneal fluid cytochemistry.

Treatment and Outcome: Empirical antibiotic treatment was started targeting the most prevalent microorganisms in abdominal infections associated with peritoneal dialysis, however with poor response to it and subsequent isolation of Haemophilus Influenzae for which antibiotherapy was modified with subsequent progressive clearance of peritoneal fluid and resolution of symptoms.

Clinical Relevance: We describe the case of a patient on peritoneal dialysis who presented a bacterial peritonitis caused by H. Influenzae, an extremely infrequent germ in this type of infections. Although the presence of this germ is exceptional in peritoneal dialysis catheter-associated peritonitis, this microorganism should be ruled out in a patient with catheter-associated peritonitis that does not respond to the usual antibiotic therapy. To our knowledge only 8 cases have been reported in the literature and none in our setting.

Keywords: Kidney Failure, Dialysis, Peritoneal, Haemophilus Influenzae, Peritonitis, Vaccination, Case Report.

Citation: Montenegro Gutierrez W, Beltran Mogollon LA, Barbosa Velazquez S, Neira R LC, Nunez Leal CA, Suarez Amaya MA, Moreno-Alfonso JC. Peritonitis Due to Haemophilus Influenzae in Peritoneal Dialysis: Report of An Exceptional Case. SVOA Microbiology 2023, 4:3, 56-59.