Dr Nicolae Gica is currently an Assistant professor at Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest, Romania. He has 10 years activity in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He published 70 articles in ISI-listed journals, PubMed indexed or other BDI, CNCSIS; He is the Co-editor of the books "Precursor positions of cervical cancer", Carol Davila University Publishing House Bucharest ( ISBN: 978-606-011-035-4 ) and "Urinary incontinence of effort" Romanian Academy Publishing House ( ISBN: 978-973-27-2970-0 ); Author of 8 chapters in books published by Carol Davila University Publishing House Bucharest and Romanian Academy Publishing House; Speaker for 56 papers presented at national and international scientific events.


Oncological Gynaecology (gynaecological malignant pathology) Minimally invasive pelvic surgery obstetric practice (vaginal birth, vaginal birth after caesarean section, instrumental birth with forceps vs vacuum, caesarean section)