Elissa Dawkins is the Senior Manager for Education and Training in Clinical Research Services at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. She serves an integral role in onboarding all new hires, and the development of competency-based, clinical research training for both clinical staff and principal investigators to increase their understanding of implementing clinical research, as well as the guidelines that go along with the conduct of research. Elissa also serves as Part-time and Adjunct faculty at various universities, and provides qualitative, quantitative, and statistical consultations for PhD students, residents, and trainees. She's published articles in preventive cardiology, geriatrics, and cancer research, and serves as a contributing author, guest editor, and reviewer for various journals such as American Journal of Preventive Cardiology, American Journal of Managed Care, etc.


Oncology; cardiovascular; geriatric; preventive care; population science; epidemiology and biostatistics; qualitative and quantitative data analysis