The Role of Hypotensive Anaesthesia in Reducing the Need for Blood Transfusion Following an Orthognathic Surgery-An Observational Study

Objective: The purpose of the present study is to assess the amount of blood loss during orthognathic surgery when nitro glycerine is induced as hypotensive anaesthesia and also to compare the pre and postoperative haemoglobin, haematocrit and means arterial pressure levels.

Material and Method: 10 young orthognathic patients were included in this study, who were operated under hypotensive anaesthesia. The orthognathic surgery included and evaluated in the present study includes Anterior maxillary osteotomies (n=6), Lefort I osteotomy (n=1), Bilateral Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy (n=3), Sub apical osteotomy (n=1), Genioplasty (n=3). Pre and Postoperative haemogram, intraoperative blood loss and the duration of surgery were the parameters studied. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 19.

Result: None of the patients included in the study required blood transfusion. Blood loss levels ranged from 77.60 ml to 283 ml. The mean surgical duration was 174 min, ranging from a minimum of 75 min to a maximum of 290 min. There was a fall in the mean Haemoglobin levels by 2.08 gm% and haematocrit and Red Blood Cell levels by 7.30% and 6.24% respectively.

Conclusion: Blood transfusion in Orthognathic surgery can be prevented by using Nitroglycerine as a hypotensive anesthetic agent. It also reduces surgical timing by improving the quality of the surgical field. Anyways further more clinical studies should be carried out to precisely conclude that nitroglycerine is an ideal agent for Orthognathic surgery.

Keywords: Orthognathic surgery- Hypotensive anaesthesia- blood loss – haemoglobin - haematocrit - Mean arterial pressure.

Citation: Gunasekaran M, Sridharan G, Mohan M, Manikandan M. “The Role of Hypotensive Anaesthesia in Reducing the Need for Blood Transfusion Following an Orthognathic Surgery – An Observational Study”. SVOA Dentistry 2:5 (2021) Pages 238-245.