Simultaneous Presentation of Plaque-like and Reticular Lichen Planus: Case Report

Lichen planus is a mucocutaneous lesion frequently observed in the dental clinic. In the oral cavity, several clinical forms can be observed, including reticular, papular, plaque, erosive, atrophic and bullous. The reticular form is the most commonly found. There is greater predilection for the female gender and from the 5th decade of life. The most affected site is the jugal mucosa. However, the other clinical forms can also present simultaneously, with other clinical features. The purpose of this article is to present a case of plaque-like lichen planus that affected the keratinized gingiva simultaneously with reticular lichen planus on the jugal mucosa of a patient.

Keywords: Lichen planus; Gingiva; Oral Diagnosis; Oral Pathology; Periodontics.

Citation: Queiroz EP, Collicchio LA, Utumi ER, Shitsuka C, Pedron IG. “Simultaneous Presentation of Plaque-like and Reticular Lichen Planus: Case Report”. SVOA Dentistry 3:1 (2022) Pages 01-04.