Management of a Large Erupting Mandibular Complex Odontoma
John Henry Watt1*, Adenike Bawor-Omatseye2, Marta Cabral2 and Julian Page3
1,2,3 OMFS Department, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, England
*Corresponding Author: Dr. John Henry Watt, OMFS Department, Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, England.
Received: July 07, 2022 Published: July 27, 2022
Complex odontomas are a benign odontogenic tumour commonly found in the posterior region of the mandible and prevalent in young adults. They are often incidental findings on routine radiographic dental examinations. Although they rarely erupt and are usually asymptomatic, they can be of significant importance when they prevent normal eruption of teeth and dentists should refer to the local maxillofacial team for management. The treatment of choice is often surgical removal with the specimen submitted for histologic diagnosis. We present a case of a large complex odontoma of the mandible in this report.
Keywords: Complex odontomas, cysts, compound odontomas, Oral surgery
Citation: Watt JH, Bawor-Omatseye A, Cabral M, Page J. “Management of a Large Erupting Mandibular Complex Odontoma”. SVOA Dentistry 2022, 3:4, 196-200.