Local and Systemic Complications due to Oral Piercing: An Overview

In some situations, aesthetic and personal satisfaction can provide deleterious and unhealthy situations. The use of body ornaments or body piercings is an example, particularly in the young population. In the stomatognathic system or oral cavity, piercings can cause soft tissue injuries, pain, infection, enamel wear, tooth fractures, periodontal lesions, and scars. Concomitantly, systemic damage can be observed, such as feeding and phonation difficulties, sepsis, and hemorrhage. The purpose of this article is to present the conduct of dental surgeon when dealing with patients with piercings in the oral cavity. The removal of adornments should be suggested and encouraged. When removal is not allowed, patients should be oriented preventively to avoid further complications.

Keywords: body piercing; body piercing/utilization; body piercing/adverse effects; oral cavity.

Citation: de Negreiros ASR, Costa DH, Varoli FP, Shitsuka C, Pedron IG. “Local and Systemic Complications due to Oral Piercing: An Overview”. SVOA Dentistry 2:6 (2021) Pages 324-328.