Irrigating Solutions in Endodontics: A Brief Review
In the last twenty years, endodontics has begun to appreciate the important role of irrigation in successful endodontic treatment. The goal of every root canal treatment is to clean the canal both mechanically as well as chemically to remove all the necrotic tissue, microorganisms, webs, fins etc. Sometimes, root canal spaces cannot be cleaned mechanically. The only way is through the effective use of irrigation solution. Sodium hypochlorite is the most commonly used solution due to its organic issue dissolving properties and broad anti-microbial property. This article reviews the various irrigants used for endodontic treatments, their advantages and limitations, and various newly introduced irrigating solutions.
Keywords: Irrigation solution, necrotic tissue, sodium hypochlorite, anti-microbial property
Citation: Patel Kishan Sanjay Kumar, Rajandeep Brar and Ankita Chakravarty. “Irrigating Solutions in Endodontics: A Brief Review”. SVOA Dentistry 2:1(2021) pages 01-09.