Diabetic Patient Management in Dentistry

Mariantonietta Leo1* Henrik Lovschall2 and Fiorella Guadagni3

1San Raffaele Open University in Rome, Italy

2Dental School, Aarhus University, Denmark

3 San Raffaele Open University in Rome, Italy

*Corresponding Author: Mariantonietta Leo, San Raffaele Open University in Rome, Italy.

Received: March 12, 2021     Published: May 04, 2022



Diabetes is a common chronic disease. Complications associated with diabetes are substantial for the affected individuals. Periodontal disease, cavities, and loss of teeth are frequent consequences. This article presents an analysis of the bidirectional relationship between diabetes and oral health, mainly focusing on periodontal disease. There is substantial evidence demonstrating the fact that diabetes, associated with poorly controlled glycaemia, represents a significant risk factor for the onset of periodontitis in a bi-directional manner. However, further studies are necessary to establish how periodontal treatment can contribute to glycaemia control and vice versa. This study also highlights the clinical protocols for management of diabetic patients. Uncontrolled or poorly controlled diabetes is associated with increased vulnerability to oral infections, including periodontitis. Well controlled patients are good candidates for periodontal treatment and vice versa periodontal treatment has beneficial effects on metabolic control of diabetic patients. We explored the connection between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus, hoping to provide general dentists with the knowledge to support their diabetic patients.

Keywords: Diabetes, Periodontal Disease, Dental Treatment

Citation: Leo M, Lovschall H, Guadagni F. “Diabetic Patient Management in Dentistry”. SVOA Dentistry 2022, 3:3 127:135.