Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumor: An Unusual Aggressive Oral Lesion
Ogden Deaton, DMD1, Jane Chang, DMD2, Samia Nawaz, MD3 and Thomas Borris, DDS, OMFS4*
1 Former resident Graduate General Practice Residency RMR Regional Medical Center now in private dental practice in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.
2 Former resident Graduate General Practice Residency RMR Regional Medical Center now in private dental practice in Seattle, Washington, USA.
3 Associate professor Pathology Dept University of Colorado School of Medicine, Section Chief Surgical Pathology Rocky Mountain Regional Denver VA Medical Center, USA.
4 Chief, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rocky Mountain Regional Medical Center, USA.
*Corresponding Author: Thomas Borris, DDS, OMFS, Chief, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rocky Mountain Regional Medical Center, USA.
Received: October 24, 2023 Published: November 10, 2023
The purpose of this report was to document a case with a 1-week and 2-month follow up and contribute to the small body of existing literature to better understand this rare odontogenic tumor. There have been few aggressive and large dentinogenic ghost cell tumor case reports found in this literature.
Keywords: Dentinogenic ghost cell tumor, Ghost cell, Dentinoid material.
Citation: Deaton O, Chang J, Nawaz S, Borris T. Dentinogenic Ghost Cell Tumor: An Unusual Aggressive Oral Lesion. SVOA Dentistry 2023, 4:6, 247-251.