Breast Cancer and Osteocondensation in the Mandible: A Complex Relationship

Mara Figueira*

Dentist, North West ACES, Lisbon, Portugal.

*Corresponding Author: Mara Figueira, Dentist, North West ACES, Lisbon, Portugal.


Received: August 10, 2023     Published: September 01, 2023



Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in women worldwide, representing a significant public health challenge. In addition to the traditionally studied aspects of breast cancer pathogenesis, recent research has revealed a complex relationship between breast cancer and osteocondensation, a phenomenon characterized by abnormal increase in bone density. This technical article explores the underlying mechanisms of this intricate relationship, highlighting the factors contributing to osteocondensation in breast cancer patients, as well as the clinical and therapeutic implications of this interaction. This technical article delves into the complex relationship between breast cancer and osteocondensation in the jaw.

Keywords: Cancer, pathogenesis, underlying, therapy.

Citation: Figueira M. Breast Cancer and Osteocondensation in the Mandible: A Complex Relationship. SVOA Dentistry 2023, 4:5, 183-185.