Alternative Technique of Using Endodontic File in Interproximal Osteoplasty in Crown Lengthening Surgery: A Case Report
Crown lengthening surgery is frequently employed in dental practice. Often, bone removal procedures or osteoplasty is required. In these cases, specific instruments such as surgical burs, Buck, Schluger and Sugarman periodontal files and Ochsenbein chisel are indicated. However, in some clinical situations, the insertion of these instruments is compromised due to the lack of interdental space. The purpose of this article is to present the technique of endodontic file use in interdental osteoplasty when there is not enough space for the use of the indicated instruments.
Keywords: Crown Lengthening; Osseous Resection; Osteoplasty; Periodontal Surgery.
Citation: dos Santos D, Maia MDLP, de Medeiros JMF, Shitsuka C, Pedron IG. “Alternative Technique of Using Endodontic File in Interproximal Osteoplasty in Crown Lengthening Surgery: A Case Report”. SVOA Dentistry 2:6 (2021) Pages 316-319.