A Review on Maxillary Expansion, Alternate Maxillary Expansion and Constriction, and Maxillary Disarticulations

The aim of this review is to explain the different types of expansion protocols such as rapid maxillary expansion (RME), mini-screw assisted rapid palatal expansion (MARPE), and alternate rapid maxillary expansion and constriction (AltRAMEC) approach used in expansion of maxilla and treatment of class III malocclusion. An important consideration of maxillary expansion is to increase the skeletal effects of expansion and increase the width of circummaxillary sutures. This causes an increase in the effects of maxillary protraction procedures such as facemask. Facemask is an extra-oral appliance and has less compliance due to unesthetic appeal. MARPE combined with intermaxillary elastics on skeletal anchorage can be used for Class III correction in place of facemask. In this review, all the different protocols for maxillary expansion and protraction will be discussed.

Keywords: RME, MARPE, Alt-RAMEC, Class III malocclusion.

Citation: Pappoppula LP, Tantravahi VSS. “A Review on Maxillary Expansion, Alternate Maxillary Expansion and Constriction, and Maxillary Disarticulations”. SVOA Dentistry 3:1 (2022) Pages 21-24.